

At 雪的大学, we understand that returning to school after a long break comes with 它自身的一系列挑战. Whether you already have some college credit or you are starting from scratch, going back to school is a big commitment. 这就是我们设计的原因 our online program with you in mind. Our 100% online associate degree can be done 随时随地. Here are just a few of the things you can expect when taking classes 网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行在线课程:

Our Associate of Science degree is fully transferrable. That means you can get a high-quality general education at a lower cost than you would pay at the bigger schools, then transfer your degree to any four-year institution to continue your education. 雪的大学 graduates find that they are well prepared to tackle upper-division courses at their 转移机构.

  • 你的长期目标是什么? Some return to college to help them secure a promotion or to re-train for a new career. Others return to fulfill a personal goal or set an example for others. 它是有帮助的 to identify your end goal and make sure that additional schooling will help you get 在那里.
  • Do you have the time to invest right now? 让我们面对现实吧. 会有 never be the perfect time to go back to school. 会有 always be other demands for your time. However, you do need to make sure you will have the time to commit to the coursework. Online classes are a great fit for many busy adults, as you can log-in when it’s convenient for you, but you’ll still need to set aside time each day for your studies.
  • Is it worth the financial investment? 这又回到了你的目标. If going back to school will help you secure a pay bump or get a better job, it makes a lot of financial sense to invest in more education. 不要忘记经济援助! Federal Student Aid is available for adult learners 太.

Many students assume they won’t qualify for financial aid, but over $36 million in student aid goes unclaimed in Utah every year! Applying is quick, easy, and completely 保密. Eligible students can receive as much as $6,195 in Pell Grant money 每年. 如需申请,请填写FAFSA fafsa.政府 今天. If you need help, our financial aid office would be happy to offer assistance.


A few tips when filling out the FAFSA:

  • Before sitting down to fill out the FAFSA, make sure you have your tax 信息 for the previous year and your social security number.
  • Fill out the FAFSA as soon as you can after it opens.
  • 永远不要花钱去填写FAFSA. It’s a free application and can be found at fafsa.政府.
  • Make sure you sign your application at the end. 许多FAFSA表格从未通过 because the student forgot to sign them.
  • Log in to your classes early and regularly- Log in to your classes as soon as you can after they open. 阅读教学大纲 other course materials so you know what to expect over the course of the semester. If you aren’t already familiar with Canvas, don’t be afraid to click around to get 熟悉系统.

    Once you get a feel for the class, it’s tempting to just log on once or twice a week when you know an assignment is due. However, just like traditional courses, due dates 而且任务可以改变. By logging in more regularly you’ll be sure to never miss an assignment or message from your professor.

  • 得到组织- Figure out when and where you will do your online classes. 在线课程很灵活, but that also means they are easy to put off. Set a specific time for each of your classes and stick to your schedule. Then decide where you will work on your classes. It can be your favorite comfy chair, the kitchen counter, or a quiet corner of the 公共图书馆. Keep everything you will need in one spot so when it’s study time, you can just grab it and get started. Nothing will derail you faster than spending the first ten minutes of your study time searching for your calculator.
  • Check your email and Canvas messages regularly- From time to time 在那里 will be 信息 from your professor or the school. 这些 will be sent through email, Canvas messages, or posted on the announcement section 的帆布. It is your responsibility to check regularly so you don’t miss important 信息.
  • 去了解你的教授 Even though you may never meet your professor in person, it’s still important to 了解他们. Don’t be afraid to send them an email introducing yourself or to 问一些关于课程的问题. Make sure that you reach out to them as you have questions or need help throughout the semester. 他们是来帮忙的.
  • 〇设定目标 It’s not uncommon to have days where you feel like you’ve hit a wall and want to 放弃. If you have an educational goal set, it’s easier push through the hard 次. Is your goal to get an associate degree to be more marketable? 你要吃几个吗 classes to brush up on some of your skills so you can go for that next promotion? Maybe it’s a personal goal to finish the degree that you started so long ago. 无论 your reason, keep it front and center of your mind to help you get through the tough 次.

