

I. 范围及目的 

此程序适用于所有网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的学生和校园客人. 程序 for college employees who may have experienced discrimination based on a disability are outlined in the 雪的大学 Personnel Policies and are administered by the college’s 人力资源办公室. The purpose of this procedure is to assist the college in carrying out its responsibilities in administering and enforcing applicable federal and state laws and college policies related to nondiscrimination of st乌兰nts or campus guests on the basis of disability.

II. 政策声明 

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and other applicable law, 雪的大学 takes appropriate action to ensure that its programs and services are readily accessible to qualified individuals with 残疾的人. 任何合格的学生或残疾校园客人不得乘坐 基于残疾,被排除在参与之外,被剥夺福利 of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination related to any of the institution’s 项目或活动. 所有学院员工都应遵守雪学院的规定 ADA /秒. 504年政策. 学院有权利和责任解决指控 基于残疾的歧视.

Retaliation is prohibited and 雪的大学 also investigates and resolves allegations of retaliation against individuals who have raised claims of discrimination based 或者以某种方式在调查过程中给予合作的人.

3. 申请过程 

不满 must be filed with the Accessibility Services/ADA Coordinator (Coordinator). 协调员将 ask the Complainant (the st乌兰nt or campus guest claiming there was discrimination) to submit a written report describing the alleged discrimination. 如有需要,协调员将安排协助办理此手续. 一个不满 should be filed as soon as reasonably possible after the incident but will not be 接受自最后一次涉嫌歧视行为之日起超过90个日历日. 雪 College will consider requests to extend this 期 beyond the 90 calendar days when the Complainant can show he or she needed additional time due to circumstances beyond 他或她的控制.

The Complainant will meet with the Coordinator to discuss the allegation, the resolution 过程, and options (informal, formal) for proceeding with resolution of the 不满. 投诉人并非 required to follow the informal procedure before filing a formal 不满. 将通知被告(被控歧视的个人) 在投诉提出后的10个工作日内处理投诉.

非正式的: The Coordinator may offer the Complainant the opportunity to voluntarily discuss 向被投诉人提出的指控和关切(直接或通过协调员) 或其他调解人)试图解决指控. 投诉人并非 需要这样做才能提出正式的申诉. 协调员将 notify the respondent that his or her behavior has been questioned and whether informal 已寻求解决办法. 协调员可以约谈证人,取得证词 or other evidence from the Complainant and Respondent, or review other evidence when 试图非正式地解决冤屈. 协调员将提供双方 a written summary of the resolution of any 不满 resolved through the informal 过程. 如果解决问题的非正式尝试不成功,协调员 will immediately inform the Complainant that he or she may pursue a formal 不满.

正式的: If the Complainant elects to file a formal 不满, the Coordinator will conduct a full investigation complete with written findings to be given to the Complainant 及答辩人. 如果协调员认定涉嫌歧视 or retaliation occurred, he or she will report this finding and may recommend corrective actions to an appropriate College official through the Office of the Vice President 为学生的成功. 建议 五月, as appropriate, incl乌兰 a directive to stop any ongoing discrimination or retaliation; suggested disciplinary or other corrective actions against the Respondent or others; suggested relief for the Complainant to remedy the effects of the discrimination or retaliation; and any other action or reasonable accommodation considered necessary to ensure that the discrimination or retaliation will be remedied and not be repeated.

协调员将尽快完成调查. 调查 shall normally be completed within 45 working days from the filing of a formal 不满, 包括就调查结果以书面通知有关各方. In extraordinary circumstances, the Coordinator may extend this time for a reasonable 期. 如有必要延期,将通知所有各方.

吸引力: The findings of a formal 不满 investigation may be appealed in writing to the 投诉人或被投诉人负责学生成功的副校长办公室 在收到协调员的决定后10个工作日内. 任何一方 may appeal a decision based on discovery of new evidence previously unavailable, a 程序程序有重大不正常之处,可能影响结果 或者声称该决定不符合事实或法律. 上诉人 是否应尽可能具体地列出上诉的依据. 的决心 负责学生成功的副校长办公室的最终决定.

At any time, prior to filing a 不满, or while a complaint proceeding is in progress, 投诉人可以向适当的外部机构提出申诉. 一个完整的 各机构的名单以及联系信息可从公共事务办公室获得 负责学生成功的副校长,大学大街150号nue, Ephraim, UT 84627. 电话 435-283-7100.

IV. 保密 

可访问性 Services/ADA Coordinator takes any allegation of discriminate or retaliation seriously and is committed to protecting the integrity of the investigation 程序包括保密和所有个人的正当程序权利. 请注意 所有相关人员(被投诉人、原告和证人)所拥有的信息 隐私利益. 因此,调查范围之外,各方 are cautioned not to publicize or divulge the nature of the proceedings or the identity 涉及到的.

V. 向顾问提供意见的权利 

投诉人和被投诉人均有权带一名顾问 调查会议. 如果任何一方选择行使这一选择权,他或她 应将顾问的姓名以书面形式提交给无障碍服务/ADA 协调员至少在会议前72小时通知. 如果投诉人或被投诉人 Respondent's advisor is a person degreed or qualified in law, the Accessibility Services/ADA 必须通知协调器.

VI. 无障碍服务/ADA协调员的职责和管辖权 

Consistent with federal and state laws and university policies related to nondiscrimination, the Accessibility Services/ADA Coordinator investigates complaints of unlawful discrimination 和/或基于身体或精神残疾的报复. 可访问性 Services/ADA Coordinator will make an adequate, reliable and impartial investigation of such complaints at 雪 College and render a written determination following such 调查.

7. 函数的传递 

如果申诉,无论是非正式的还是正式的,是针对无障碍的 Services/ADA Coordinator or the Vice President 为学生的成功 determines there is some other conflict of interest created by the Coordinator’s resolving the 不满, the Vice President 为学生的成功 will transfer the Coordinator’s function under 将此程序通知学院其他适当的官员. 若有委屈,是否 informal or formal, is directed against the Office of the Vice President for St乌兰nt Success, the functions assigned to that Office by these procedures will transfer to 教务处副校长办公室.

办公地点:格林伍德学生中心* 241室*以法莲校区