

课程:LING 2650

部门:语言 & 语言学


目录描述我们都非常熟悉至少一种语言:我们自己的语言. 很少有母语人士, 然而, stop to consider what they know about their own language and how their language shapes daily life. This course will provide students with a basic introduction to language and the relationship of language to society. 例子将取自各种各样的语言和文化. 本课程的前身是ENGL 2650和TESL 2650.

信贷/时间要求: Credit: 3; 讲座: 3; Lab: 0

先决条件: ENGL 1010 (C-或更高)

并修课程: N/A

的理由可能没有任何一门学科对人类的正常机能如此重要, 人们对它知之甚少, 作为语言. Building language awareness (of one's own as well as other languages and the cultures in which they operate) is an important priority in today's world. We must communicate with an ever increasing number of people from cultures other than our own. 意识到语言和文化之间的关系是必要的, 它们相互联系的系统共同构成了语言. 在网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行 this course will fulfill a general education option in the Humanities 部门. The course is also a major requirement for students in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL). This course fulfills Humanities credit and is similar to Utah State University ENGL 4230 and Utah Valley State College ENGL 2030. 它也填补了杨百翰大学的文科和理科选修学分. 在网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行, the Humanities focus on 文化 traditions that are expressed largely through text or which have a strong textual component: language, 文学, 和哲学. The methods by which the Humanities study culture are at once analytical and interpretive, 客观与主观, 历史与美学.

1: A student who completes the GE curriculum has a fundamental knowledge of human cultures and the natural world. Students will demonstrate they understand that language is not static and that it is continually evolving. They will learn the nature of human language and be able to understand the aspects of language and culture including social and geographical dialects, 儿童语言习得与语言共性.

通过课堂讨论, 观察, group presentation 还有论文考试 学生将证明他们已经内化了所提供的材料.

2: A student who completes the GE curriculum can read and research effectively within disciplines. Students will read carefully by analyzing a newspaper article with charged words and change the words to be more neutral and report to the class their discoveries. They will follow up their class report with written interpretive responses citing specific examples of the pragmatic aspects of the language.

Students will work on this through the semester and get feedback from the instructor and classmates in order to write a final analysis.

3: A student who completes the GE curriculum can draw from multiple disciplines to address complex problems. Students will look at different cultures and become familiar with the creative nature of language and how it reflects its culture. 这实际上是跨学科的,因为它涉及到对社会群体的分析, 历史, 地理及其他领域.


4: A student who completes the GE curriculum can reason analytically, critically, and creatively. Students will be guided on analytic thinking by exploring the ethics of field testing in Sociolinguistics and the challenges faced in such studies.

Students will demonstrate the above mentioned items through quizzes, class presentations, and tests.

5: A student who completes the GE curriculum can communicate effectively through writing and speaking. 学生将扩展他们的口语交流知识, 特别是语气(讽刺), 真诚, 具有讽刺意味的, 幽默, 愤怒, 嘲笑, 等.).


1: Students will be able to explain and understand the impact that language has on society and the impact that society has on language by reading the text and discovering through personal reflection how people use aspects of language (kinesics, 亲近性, 言语行为, 规则的操纵, 等.)沟通. 通过课堂讨论, 观察, 小组报告和论文考试 学生将证明他们已经内化了所提供的材料. Students will be able to explain and understand the impact that language has on society and the impact that society has on language by reading the text and discovering through personal reflection how people use aspects of language (kinesics, 亲近性, 言语行为, 规则的操纵, 等.)沟通. 通过课堂讨论, 观察, 小组报告和论文考试 学生将证明他们已经内化了所提供的材料.

2: 通过对语言系统的研究,了解知识是如何产生的, 文学, 和/或哲学. 学生将能够欣赏多种语言和文化. 他们将能够理解语言的变化, 开发, 通过人类的经验进化和创造. 通过阅读, 讨论与自省, 学生将认识到他们自己文化的社会语言行为规则. 通过课堂讨论, 观察, 小组报告和论文考试, 学生将能够清晰地表达他们自己的语言和文化的规则.

3: Understand 文化 traditions within an historical context and make connections with the present. Students will be able to understand that language is not static and that it is continually evolving. They will learn the nature of human language and be able to understand aspects of language and culture including social and geographical dialects, 儿童语言习得与语言共性. 通过课堂讨论, 观察, 小组的演讲, 还有论文考试, 学生将证明他们已经内化了所提供的材料.

4: 批判性地阅读和回应主要文本(原文), 未经解释)从人文学科的角度. 学生将阅读报纸, 新闻期刊和新闻报道, and will be able to pick up on negatively and positively charged words that writers use to sway readers. 他们会理解语气(讽刺、真诚、讽刺、幽默、愤怒、嘲笑等).在整个学期中,学生们将向全班报告他们的发现.

5: Write effectively within the Humanities discipline to analyze and form critical and aesthetic judgments. Students will pick up on negatively and positively charged words that writers use to sway readers. 他们会理解语气(讽刺、真诚、讽刺、幽默、愤怒、嘲笑等).) Students will report to the class their discoveries and will follow up their class report with written interpretive responses citing specific examples of the pragmatic aspects of the language. Students will work on this through the semester and get feedback from the instructor and classmates in order to write a final analysis.







• 什么是语言?
• 场的方法
• 运动学:无声的语言
• 语用学
• 口语及读写能力
• 人人都说方言
• 双语:个人与社会
• 言语社区
• 性别与语言
这些主题将通过使用教科书材料来解决, 期刊文章, 学术写作, 电影, video clips and works of 文学 in which different dialects and registers and other elements of sociolinguistics are obvious.

Diverse perspectives drive the curriculum in that each language learner comes with unique challenges and perspective regarding the content.





期末考试:20% - 30%


学生将在整个学期以小组形式进行活动, 分享个人经历, 做演讲. Students will not work with the same group throughout the semester but will end up working with different people so that the class becomes a “society” of its own promoting inclusivity in the “society” of the course.

Research-based and pedagogically sound teaching methods will be applied to effectively reaching, 引人入胜的, 并关注来自不同国家的学生的成功, 文化, 学习背景, 认识到他们的不同倾向, 的优势, 第二语言习得的挑战, 并通过适当的平衡和多样化的课堂作业来发展这些能力.




最大班级人数: 15
最佳班级规模: 12